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Showing posts from May, 2020

Pray for Family Camp in a Box, MIX at Mountain, MOVE at Mountain and Camp Epic.

Father, we bring to Your feet the efforts that are being invested in making Family Camp in a Box , Mix at Mountain , Move at Mountain & Camp Epic a special time that will draw kids of all ages closer to You. Each camp is unique, so may every email typed, every meeting held, every action taken be done by Your will. Lord, we could have never foreseen these camps having to be radically changed the way they have, but You did, and in response we step aside now and ask that You lead the way. Help us as leaders make decisions that will be pleasing to You. May the lessons that are taught, help to instill righteousness in these children, and may the seeds planted this summer continue to guide them throughout their lives. Father, we pray even now to prepare our minds & hearts for each camp experience, that all personal distractions may be put aside in order that we may be present and fully engaged with these precious children whom You’ve entrusted us to lead. Thank you so much for al...

Pray for leaders who will be serving in the new camp realities/roles.

Father, thank you so much for providing a community that prioritizes caring for the next generation; helping them stand on our shoulders. We are so grateful for those in our community who do this in regular ways and also in ways through their daily living. Specifically, we would like to pray today for all of our leaders who are stepping up and serving kids and students in this new reality this summer. Give them energy and creativity they need for each day. Give them endurance and patience to deal with unexpected challenges and potential technical issues as well as frustrations with kids and students. Give them Your peace that passes understanding in the midst of whatever is happening in their daily lives. Allow them to invest fully in their campers and show Jesus to those they’re interacting with. Father, we know this is such a difficult time, and we are so grateful for these unsung heroes who are giving their time each and every day. Help them not to be discouraged and to keep point...

Pray for Indian Lake Camp + Christ in Youth (CIY) as they make camp adjustments.

God, thank you for the opportunity to hold these two amazing places and people up to you. We pray for Indian Lake and CIY today. We ask that you would be with them as they make the hard decisions to adjust the camp schedule this summer. There is something so special that happens at summer camp and we are so thankful to be a part of a church that knows camp is important. We pray for Indian Lake as they are adjusting to not having campers on their grounds this summer. As they're making this hard choice and as we support them, we ask that you hold them close. We ask for your presence through this time as they navigate what this summer looks like for them. We also pray today for the team of people at CIY, as they run at full speed to make sure CIY can still happen this summer. As they help churches go digital, hold physical events, and as churches make the hard decision not to attend CIY this summer. We ask that you be with them. We know lives are changed at summer camp and our part...

Pray for parents as they navigate summer and new summer camp plans.

We first thank you for health, provision, and for our families. At this time, Lord we come before you, and lift up in prayer all parents of kids and students. Especially the ones who were looking forward to sending their kids to camp this summer.  Lord, we ask you to give them wisdom and the right words as they break the news that summer plans have changed too because of COVID-19. We ask you to prepare the kids & students’ hearts, so they can hear and understand that it is for their safety and it is just temporary. Father God, we ask you to bless parents/caregivers with creative ideas that will not only provide fun for the kids/students, but also will allow the family bonds to be strengthened. Let us all see this time as an opportunity and not an interruption. An opportunity to do what we haven’t been able to do previously during summer because of a super busy schedule. Let it be the birth of new family traditions, devotional time, book reading, game nights, backyard bbq,...

Pray for kids and students as they receive the news about new summer camp plans.

We come before you today, Father thankful for another opportunity to live fully with you. We also come before you lifting up all of the kids and students who are hearing the news of more cancellations and plans changing. Kids and students have already endured school, sports, graduations, and many other of their favorite things cancelled over the last 10 weeks. With the news about summer camp cancellations and changes in schedules, kids and students are facing yet another event that they look forward to all year, being changed or not what they expected. We ask that you surround our kids and students with understanding as they hear the news about Summer Camp plans changing. We ask that you give kids and students an eagerness for the new plans that are being created and developed for summer camp. We ask that you create excitement within kids and students for new and different camp experiences that will happen this summer. Most of all, God, we ask that you would be revealed to kids and...

Pray that we would "Dare to Love" by allowing God to inspire us with a unique, compelling dream to love others.

Heavenly Father, Today, we thank you for the dreamers. This group has been gifted with the ability to provide support to fund projects of need, or have God-sized visions to bless the community in ways that were not seen prior to their engagement. Some organizations who understand the value of a big dream are EFO and MOHI. EFO is changing the community of Edgewood for generations to come. The organization of MOHI is changing the trajectory of young men and women who may not have seen hope before. These men and women now have the hope of Christ. God is able to take these dreamer's visions and the support given, to multiply them in ways that could not be done on our own. Dreamers have dreamt of a world where the race of an individual would be an afterthought, of a world where women in leadership is commonplace, and of a world where the many boundaries of society are being broken. Lord, we pray that you quiet us so that we are able to hear your voice, and to be the dreamers you'...

Pray that we would "Dare to Love" by intentionally praying for our world, our country, our communities and our families.

Our great and good God, we praise you because nothing is impossible for you. We give you thanks for hearing the prayers others have prayed for us and for your grace and love towards us in answering those prayers. We pray for the community of faith that is Mountain including those who serve as missionaries around the world. Pour out the gifts of the Spirit and strengthen us your people, so that we are ready and eager to serve others in love through prayer. Knit us together in love and encourage us to stand with those who are weak during this time. We pray for those who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Open their ears to hear the good news about Jesus. Open their eyes so they see you. We pray against the powers of darkness that try to hide you from them and declare victory in Jesus, the light of the world. We open ourselves to the Spirit within us. As we pray today and throughout the days ahead, may we begin to pray quickly as you reveal to us who has a need. Help us see those...

Pray that we would "Dare to Love" by volunteering to serve others in a meaningful way.

Gracious and merciful God, thank you for this opportunity to come before You. You taught us how to serve one another as You served, not counting the cost but being available to all. Help us have eyes to see the needs around us and to respond to those needs in joy and hope. Father, we not only pray that You would send volunteers into places that need help to cope with the effects of this pandemic, but we ask that You would prompt Christians to hear the call and take the gospel with them into these places that have been so devastated. Lead us to hear, feel deeply, and accept this challenge of sacrifice that we step up to meet the needs of people here and abroad. We pray now for all those who have been volunteering their time, talent, and treasure in support of people in need during this pandemic. We pray for strength and sustainment for all, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for Your people. We bind fear, anxiety, and dread, in the mighty name of Jesus, and w...

Pray that we would "Dare to Love" those around us who are struggling financially.

Father God, thank you for being our consistent source of peace and provision in this inconsistent time. Our hearts break, God, for those who are facing financial struggles. In response to this global pandemic, rapid changes to our economy have impacted employment and personal finances for so many. And yet, your provision continues. Father, we ask that you help keep our eyes wide, seeking opportunities to share what we have with others. Whether it is by purchasing groceries for a neighbor, donating to area relief organizations, or by giving generously to our church, allow what you have provided us to run over for those in our community. Allow us to keep our hands open and to respond to needs with generosity. Activate the spirit within each of us to give with bolder faith. For we know, God, that your provision for others often comes through your own people. Let us give from a posture of humility, leading with empathy and compassion. Allow your grace, mercy, and love to pour from our hea...

Pray that we would "Dare to Love" the graduates in our community.

God, we lift before you those who this spring, are reaching the culmination of a journey of educational pursuits, completing high school, college, apprenticeships or graduate programs. We know how hard they’ve worked to reach this “finish line” and, like you Father, look upon them with a godly pride of a job well done and a race well run. And like you Father, we also lament with them, as the way in which they anticipated being acknowledged and celebrating this milestone with friends, family, their educational influencers, and their fellow co-laboring classmates will fall short of their hopeful expectation. Although it may not be the same, may we not, however, let this moment go by without making an intentional effort to honor them, letting them know how much we care and how proud we are. Specifically, we pray for the “adopt a senior” initiative. May many names of graduates be offered and may each graduate be adopted by an extended community of family that "Dares to Love" them...

Pray for educators.

Lord, thank you for the women and men that have chosen to teach as their vocation. You have gifted them with qualities of intellect, wisdom, creativity, and compassion. We ask you, Lord to guide these teachers as they discern the best ways to support their students during this new way of distance and online learning. Equip them with new ways of creativity to engage and empower both the students and their parents for successful learning. As so many are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and uncertain, we ask you to provide teachers with extra patience, peace, grace, and positivity. We also turn our attention today to the parents who have now had to become academic educators at home, in addition to juggling other important responsibilities. Lord, help them to maintain structure and a sense of peace in their homes. As both parents and students struggle to engage academically, we ask that you provide endurance and flexibility. Lord, provide for the families that do not have the proper...

Pray for those who have been laid off, lost jobs, and awaiting unemployment benefits.

God, we pray for those who have lost or have been laid off from their jobs. God, we thank you for the ways that you have been a constant companion since the beginning of time. During this time when uncertainty and insecurity may try to overwhelm their thoughts and emotions, we pray that you would take captive those thoughts. Fill our brothers and sisters minds with memories of your faithfulness. Meet their needs each new day; may their debtors provide grace and friends rise up to support one another. Let humility prevail when offers of love and support are provided. Remind your people that their identity and worth is found in Christ – not by the titles we are given or the worldly esteem that the flesh so often leads desires. Lord, we lift these same petitions to you for those who are waiting to receive monetary support from the state. Remove any obstacles that may hinder the timeliness of these desperately needed benefits. Supply those waiting with patience and peace. Those who live in...

Pray for us to live generously during this time.

Gracious God, give us generous hearts: to share whatever gift it is that you have given to us in word and deed; to acknowledge you as the giver of all good gifts; to give without counting the cost; to share without expecting something in return; to be mindful of our neighbors and those around us with a need; to hold all of our treasures with hands wide open; to recognize our blessings in each passing day and share them with others; to know the freedom that comes with true generosity; to grow in giving thanks for everything:  to be happy with having what we need and wise enough to know what it is that we do not need; to fall more deeply in love with the God of all generosity so that our hearts are strong enough to give away freely whatever is asked or needed by others. O gracious God, who generously lavishes our lives with goodness, create in our hearts a deep center of gratitude, a center that grows so strong in its thanksgiving that sharing freely of our treasures become...

Pray for athletes, coaches, and those unable to play team sports during this time.

Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for the ability to exercise our bodies, build strength and train our bodies to do incredible things. We pray now for all those who have found community, friendships and a place to use the talents you’ve given them through sports, recreation and teams. We pray for the loss so many feel from being unable to participate and be together during this time. So many have found the sports fields and places of recreation as a place to further your mission and to demonstrate godly living to a watching world. We pray now for those missed opportunities to gather together. We pray for all those who are grieving the loss of attending games, matches, recitals and other activities. We pray for those who have missed the opportunities to finish a season, play in finals, try out for a new team, coach and train others, and especially for high school and college seniors. We pray your blessing over them now, as they await the time they can gather together again. Thank yo...

Pray for high school and college seniors.

God, we give thanks for those who have run the race and finished the … courses, for those approaching the end of high school or college; apprenticeships or graduate programs. We pray for those who are missing the last year of spring sports or musicals, celebrated acceptances, whispered rejections, senior events, graduation parties, walking the stage, flipping the tassel, and tossing the caps. We pray for all those who will not be able to proudly witness all those achievements in ways they had envisioned. Help them to focus on the giver of every good and perfect gift. Help them to focus on you, our Creator God, who created each of them uniquely with the gifts, abilities, talents and with perseverance to accomplish such incredible goals. May they take all that they have learned and offer it to you as they take their next steps in this world. Help them to bring justice, mercy and to spread love wherever they go. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Not that I have already obtained all ...

Pray for the organizations and the churches around the world, who are serving their communities.

God, we pray for the organizations and the churches who are serving their communities and people around the world. Like so many others, these people are stepping outside the safety of their own homes and serving the ones who are hurting. We thank you for the Body of Christ stepping up to the plate to show the love of God to their neighbors. As the Coronavirus continues to affect lives around the world, we pray the church can be a light to the broken hearted and the hurt. We pray for wisdom as churches start to make the hard decision about when to open their physical doors again. As the church continues online, we pray that it impacts everyone who watches it. Thank you, Lord for guiding us through this pandemic as the Church. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he ...

Pray for missionaries around the world as they serve the Body of Christ.

God, we pray for men, women, and families who live and serve in a culture different from their own.  They have answered the call to go and be on mission WITH you to places where your name is not known. Many serve in hard and difficult places now exacerbated by the challenges brought about by the Coronavirus. We pray for faithfulness to their calling, favor to be received by the people where they live and opportunities to serve during this time of crisis. We pray for their loved ones/extended families back home who have a daily concern for their safety and good health. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?... -Romans 10:14-15 (NIV) Join others at 12 PM today to pray for our local and global community. Use the Zoom Link to join with others and pray together. 

Pray for marriages challenged by unexpected circumstances caused by COVID-19: illness, finances, children, parents, uncertainty, loss, but also opportunity.

Lord, we pray for marriage today... ALL marriages. During this time of Social Distancing and Stay at Home orders, marriages are facing multiple distractions. This “new normal” came quickly and without warning. There is not much that can be done, but find ways to address the immediate circumstances and where possible, determine some near-future opportunities. As we pray, let us: ask, seek, and find. We ask for each spouse to have a spirit of openness and willingness to work together to find appropriate next steps and have wisdom and clarity in using wisely the resources they have. Give marriages a spirit of togetherness... thinking ‘we’ rather than ‘me.’ We seek for each spouse an understanding of how YOU can use this experience to make us more loving and strong with an attitude of thoughtfulness and prayerfulness rather than panic. Father, help each spouse find a purpose for staying in the struggle, allowing the community around them to provide spiritual encouragement through a...

Pray for refugees and World Relief.

Lord, we thank you for World Relief and similar organizations who have heard the call to help those in need. God, these people have already been through so much, so we pray for extra peace on them and their families. We cannot even imagine what some of these families have been through in their lives. With all that is going on right now, we pray that you show them your love through the Body of Christ and organizations like World Relief. Show them that you are there for them and help them find rest in you. We pray for protection over these refugees and the family they might be disconnected from. Thank you for loving all of us. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give y...

Pray for hospital chaplains and all those ministering to the sick.

Father, we pray that you would help them to show your love and compassion. As they serve in these difficult and trying times. Would you help them to find refuge and peace which surpasses all understanding in Christ. Strengthen them through your power when they grow weary, tired and burdened. Lord, as they comfort families and medical staff dealing with unimaginable stress, pain and loss, would you guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Jesus we thank you that you healed the sick and cared for the hurting. Help them and us to be people who live like your example. Give them strength and wisdom to use this opportunity to share with others the hope that we have in Jesus.  So, we thank you heavenly Father, who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ. We pray that you will help all those ministering to the sick to remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord their labor is not in vain. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, ...

Pray for all those in Celebration of Recovery and people battling addiction during this time.

Lord, we praise you for the hope of restoration and reconciliation. We pray for your sons and daughters who are in recovery from the chains of addiction. Thank you for each day that they have looked to you and persevered. We also petition on behalf of those who are in the midst of the battle. Stand in the gap Lord, protect our brothers and sisters from the voice of the enemy; let words of truth and victory overcome the lies of the enemy. Pursue your loved ones during this time of exceptional challenges; isolation, joblessness, hopelessness, anxiety and vulnerability. It is our prayer that they will lift their eyes and turn their thoughts to you, for we know that you are El Roi - the God who sees me. I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth... The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.  -Psalm 121:1-...