We come before you today, Father thankful for another opportunity to live fully with you. We also come before you lifting up all of the kids and students who are hearing the news of more cancellations and plans changing. Kids and students have already endured school, sports, graduations, and many other of their favorite things cancelled over the last 10 weeks.
With the news about summer camp cancellations and changes in schedules, kids and students are facing yet another event that they look forward to all year, being changed or not what they expected. We ask that you surround our kids and students with understanding as they hear the news about Summer Camp plans changing. We ask that you give kids and students an eagerness for the new plans that are being created and developed for summer camp. We ask that you create excitement within kids and students for new and different camp experiences that will happen this summer.
Most of all, God, we ask that you would be revealed to kids and students through Summer Camp this year. We ask that kids and students would grow closer to you during camp. We ask that lives will change, hearts would be softened, and steps would be taken toward you. We ask that kids and students would lean on you and call on your name this summer. Amen.
The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. -Psalm 145:18 (NIV)
Join others at 12 PM today to pray for our local and global community. Use the Zoom Link to join with others and pray together.
With the news about summer camp cancellations and changes in schedules, kids and students are facing yet another event that they look forward to all year, being changed or not what they expected. We ask that you surround our kids and students with understanding as they hear the news about Summer Camp plans changing. We ask that you give kids and students an eagerness for the new plans that are being created and developed for summer camp. We ask that you create excitement within kids and students for new and different camp experiences that will happen this summer.
Most of all, God, we ask that you would be revealed to kids and students through Summer Camp this year. We ask that kids and students would grow closer to you during camp. We ask that lives will change, hearts would be softened, and steps would be taken toward you. We ask that kids and students would lean on you and call on your name this summer. Amen.
The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. -Psalm 145:18 (NIV)